1º Americanas

Livro - Reinventing You: Define Your Brand; Imagine Your Future

Livro - Reinventing You: Define Your Brand; Imagine Your Future

Link: https://www.americanas.com.br/produto/121404597

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Whether You Are Still Building Your Career Or Are On The Road To Reinvention, Your Personal Brand Is The Ticket That Will Get You There. Consider This Book Your Bus Fare. In Reinventing You, Strategy And Communication Consultant Dorie Clark Provides a Step-by-step Guide To Help You Assess, Build, And Reinvent Your Personal Brand. You May Be Taking On a New Challenge Or a Career Change, Shifting Into More Meaningful Work, Or Simply Need To Build Your Own Narrative. no Matter The Reason, Taking Co
Idioma Inglês
Assunto Administração
Editora Harvard Business Review Press
Formato Livro
Tipo de Capa Capa Dura
Páginas 240
Isbn 9781422144138
Subtítulo Define Your Brand; Imagine Your Future
Título Reinventing You
Código de Barras 9781422144138
Código 121404597
Livro - Reinventing You: Define Your Brand; Imagine Your Future

2º Submarino

Livro - Reinventing You: Define Your Brand; Imagine Your Future

Livro - Reinventing You: Define Your Brand; Imagine Your Future

Link: https://www.submarino.com.br/produto/121404597

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Whether You Are Still Building Your Career Or Are On The Road To Reinvention, Your Personal Brand Is The Ticket That Will Get You There. Consider This Book Your Bus Fare. In Reinventing You, Strategy And Communication Consultant Dorie Clark Provides a Step-by-step Guide To Help You Assess, Build, And Reinvent Your Personal Brand. You May Be Taking On a New Challenge Or a Career Change, Shifting Into More Meaningful Work, Or Simply Need To Build Your Own Narrative. no Matter The Reason, Taking Co
Código 121404597
Código de Barras 9781422144138
Título Reinventing You
Subtítulo Define Your Brand; Imagine Your Future
Isbn 9781422144138
Páginas 240
Tipo de Capa Capa Dura
Formato Livro
Editora Harvard Business Review Press
Assunto Administração
Idioma Inglês
Livro - Reinventing You: Define Your Brand; Imagine Your Future

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