1º Americanas

Livro - The Strategist: Be The Leader Your Business Needs

Livro - The Strategist: Be The Leader Your Business Needs

Link: https://www.americanas.com.br/produto/116643121

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Strategy Is About Identifying Why Your Business Matters, Not Just Analysing The Competition. Cynthia Montgomery Reveals How Leaders Can Embrace The Crucial Role Of The Strategist To Really Define And Drive The Objectives And Advantages To Power Their Companies Forward. Based On Her Legendary Strategy Course, One Of The Most Oversubscribed Executive Courses At Harvard Business School, Cynthia Montgomery Offers a Radically New Perspective On a Leader¿s Most Vial Role. Montgomery¿s Course Teaches S
Código 116643121
Código de Barras 9780062071019
Autor(a) Cynthia Montgomery
Título The Strategist: Be The Leader Your Business Needs
Isbn 9780062071019
Páginas 189
Tipo de Capa Capa Dura
Formato Livro
Editora Harper Collins Publishers
Ano 2012
Assunto Administração e Negócios - Marketing
Idioma Inglês
Livro - The Strategist: Be The Leader Your Business Needs

2º Submarino

Livro - The Strategist: Be The Leader Your Business Needs

Livro - The Strategist: Be The Leader Your Business Needs

Link: https://www.submarino.com.br/produto/116643121

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Strategy Is About Identifying Why Your Business Matters, Not Just Analysing The Competition. Cynthia Montgomery Reveals How Leaders Can Embrace The Crucial Role Of The Strategist To Really Define And Drive The Objectives And Advantages To Power Their Companies Forward. Based On Her Legendary Strategy Course, One Of The Most Oversubscribed Executive Courses At Harvard Business School, Cynthia Montgomery Offers a Radically New Perspective On a Leader¿s Most Vial Role. Montgomery¿s Course Teaches S
Código 116643121
Código de Barras 9780062071019
Autor(a) Cynthia Montgomery
Título The Strategist: Be The Leader Your Business Needs
Isbn 9780062071019
Páginas 189
Tipo de Capa Capa Dura
Formato Livro
Editora Harper Collins Publishers
Ano 2012
Assunto Administração e Negócios - Marketing
Idioma Inglês
Livro - The Strategist: Be The Leader Your Business Needs

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