Preço English Time Student Book 1 - Oxford

Qual o preço do(a) "English Time Student Book 1 - Oxford"?

Qual o preço?

O preço médio do(a) "English Time Student Book 1 - Oxford" é R$ 135,00

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1º Livrarias Curitiba

English Time Student Book 1 - Oxford

Preço: R$ 135,00

English Time Student Book 1 - Oxford


Ver na Loja

Packed with pictures, stories, and activities, English Time is a six-level communicative course that develops students' speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills, while they have fun! With interactive illustrations, captivating stories and a wide variety of activities, English Time offers you great lessons around the clock. Each engaging illustration contains hidden objects for your students to find, so learning new language and grammar is exciting and fun. Plus, the wide variety of activities appeal to every child, no matter what their learning style. Use English Time on its own or combine it with Magic Time to create an appealing eight-level course.
English Time Student Book 1 - Oxford

2º Americanas

Livro - English Time 1: Student Book

Preço: R$ 135,00

Livro - English Time 1: Student Book


Ver na Loja

Packed With Pictures, Stories, And Activities, English Time Is a Six-level Communicative Course That Develops Students' Speaking, Listening, Reading, And Writing Skills, While They Have Fun! With Interactive Illustrations, Captivating Stories And a Wide Variety Of Activities, English Time Offers You Great Lessons Around The Clock. Each Engaging Illustration Contains Hidden Objects For Your Students To Find, So Learning New Language And Grammar Is Exciting And Fun. Plus, The Wide Variety Of Activ
Idioma Inglês
Assunto Idiomas - Inglês
Ano 2011
Editora Oxford Didático
Formato Livro
Tipo de Capa Brochura
Páginas 72
Isbn 9780194005067
Título English Time 1: Student Book
Código de Barras 9780194005067
Código 116777233
Livro - English Time 1: Student Book

3º Shoptime

Livro - English Time 1: Student Book

Livro - English Time 1: Student Book


Ver na Loja

Packed With Pictures, Stories, And Activities, English Time Is a Six-level Communicative Course That Develops Students' Speaking, Listening, Reading, And Writing Skills, While They Have Fun! With Interactive Illustrations, Captivating Stories And a Wide Variety Of Activities, English Time Offers You Great Lessons Around The Clock. Each Engaging Illustration Contains Hidden Objects For Your Students To Find, So Learning New Language And Grammar Is Exciting And Fun. Plus, The Wide Variety Of Activ
Código 116777233
Código de Barras 9780194005067
Título English Time 1: Student Book
Isbn 9780194005067
Páginas 72
Tipo de Capa Brochura
Formato Livro
Editora Oxford Didático
Ano 2011
Assunto Idiomas - Inglês
Idioma Inglês
Livro - English Time 1: Student Book

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Produto Shoptime Americanas Livrarias Curitiba
English Time Student Book 1 - Oxford R$ 135,00
Livro - English Time 1: Student Book R$ 135,00

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Data Shoptime Americanas Livrarias Curitiba
Hoje R$ 135,00R$ 135,00
30/03/2020 R$ 135,00R$ 135,00
29/03/2020 R$ 135,00R$ 135,00

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Qual o menor valor que o produto já alcançou?

Dos 393 dias em que o produto foi monitorado, apresentou o menor valor na loja Americanas

O valor foi de R$ 135,00 em 29/03/2020

É um bom momento para comprá-lo?

Sim, pois o estoque poderá se esgotar

Em qual loja costuma ficar mais barato?

Na loja Americanas


Compre na loja Americanas por R$ 135,00, pois atualmente é o menor preço!



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