Preço DVD Superman Doomsday (Imp)

Qual o preço do(a) "DVD Superman Doomsday (Imp)"?

Qual o preço?

O preço médio do(a) "DVD Superman Doomsday (Imp)" é R$ 24,90

Livrarias Curitiba

DVD Superman Doomsday (Imp)

Preço: R$ 24,90

DVD Superman Doomsday (Imp)


Ver na Loja

Produced by Bruce Timm (Batman: The Animated Series) and written by Duane Capizzi (The Batman), Superman Doomsday is inspired by the bestselling graphic novel of all time, DC Comics' The Death of Superman. When the intergalactic serial killer Doomsday is unearthed, Superman fights the creature in the battle to end all battles. Going punch for punch, Superman finally ends the threat of Doomsday as he delivers one last blow and collapses forever -- making the ultimate sacrifice to save Metropolis and all those he once loved. Available only on DVD, Superman Doomsday also offers over 70 minutes of extras, including: "The Clash of the Juggernauts," a retrospective look at the story's phenomenal appeal. What happens when millions of fans are suddenly subjected to the death of their favorite character? Total mayhem! Going on record about the death of Superman will be Paul Levitz and other DC staff members, as well as comic book artists throughout the industry. The featurette also includes a closer look at the dark Superman appearing in The Return of Superman graphic novel. In "The Artists Playground: From Art to Sound Design in Superman Doomsday," Timm and his creative team of writers, animators, and designers will take us on an exciting journey of character evolution. "Justice League: The New Frontier" offers a sneak peek at the next DC Universe Original Movie; while "Defeat Doomsday: Battle Challenge" pits players (as Superman) against Doomsday in a fast-action dexterity challenge
DVD Superman Doomsday (Imp)

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Produto Livrarias Curitiba
DVD Superman Doomsday (Imp) R$ 24,90

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Data Livrarias Curitiba
Hoje R$ 24,90
01/06/2020 R$ 24,90
31/05/2020 R$ 24,90

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Qual o menor valor que o produto já alcançou?

Dos 447 dias em que o produto foi monitorado, apresentou o menor valor na loja Livrarias Curitiba

O valor foi de R$ 24,90 em 01/06/2020

É um bom momento para comprá-lo?

Sim, pois o estoque poderá se esgotar

Em qual loja costuma ficar mais barato?

Na loja Livrarias Curitiba


Compre na loja Livrarias Curitiba por R$ 24,90, pois atualmente é o menor preço!


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