Preço Stopwatch 1 Students Book And Workbook - Richmond

Qual o preço do(a) "Stopwatch 1 Students Book And Workbook - Richmond"?

Qual o preço?

O preço médio do(a) "Stopwatch 1 Students Book And Workbook - Richmond" é R$ 156,44

Podendo variar de R$ 151,34 até R$ 161,00, a depender da loja:

Confira aqui a lista completa, do mais barato até o mais caro 👇👇👇

1º Americanas

Livro - Stopwatch 3 Students Book Work Book

Preço: R$ 151,34

Livro - Stopwatch 3 Students Book Work Book


Ver na Loja

Idioma Inglês
Assunto Educação
Ano 2016
Editora Moderna
Formato Livro
Tipo de Capa Brochura
Páginas 168
Isbn 9786070612411
Título Stopwatch 3 Students Book Work Book
Autor(a) Alastair Lane
Código de Barras 9786070612411
Código 130210866
Livro - Stopwatch 3 Students Book Work Book

2º Shoptime

Livro - Stopwatch 3 Students Book Work Book

Preço: R$ 151,34

Livro - Stopwatch 3 Students Book Work Book


Ver na Loja

Código 130210866
Código de Barras 9786070612411
Autor(a) Alastair Lane
Título Stopwatch 3 Students Book Work Book
Isbn 9786070612411
Páginas 168
Tipo de Capa Brochura
Formato Livro
Editora Moderna
Ano 2016
Assunto Educação
Idioma Inglês
Livro - Stopwatch 3 Students Book Work Book

3º Submarino

Stopwatch 1 - Student Book + Workbook

Preço: R$ 152,95

Stopwatch 1 - Student Book + Workbook


Ver na Loja

Autor/Artista Simon Brewster
Isbn 9786070612381
Código de Barras 9786070612381
Código 28214903
Stopwatch 1 - Student Book + Workbook
exibir mais 3 preços...

4º Livrarias Curitiba

Stopwatch 1 Students Book And Workbook - Richmond

Preço: R$ 161,00

Stopwatch 1 Students Book And Workbook - Richmond


Ver na Loja

Stopwatch is a motivating, visually engaging six-level series for teenagers. It offers a choice of entry-point level (Starter, Beginner or Beginner Plus) and develops skills through B1 of the Common European Framework (CEFR). Each level of Stopwatch covers 90-120 hours of classroom instruction, plus an additional 20 hours of supplementary materials in the Teacher's Toolkit. With Stopwatch students will: ¿ reinforce visual literacy skills through icons and impacting photos; ¿ use critical thinking skills to answer relevant, thought-provoking questions; ¿ become aware of the wide range of cultural differences in our global community; ¿ learn vocabulary and grammar in realistic, meaningful contexts; ¿ engage with authentic, down-to-earth topics; ¿ access practice opportunities in a variety of formats; ¿ enjoy hands-on projects in printed and/or digital form. Key Features: ¿ Strong visual components to facilitate and deepen learning through authentic tasks, compelling images and the use of icons. ¿ The process of spiraled language development helps students internalize what they are learning. ¿ The wide range of topics incorporates cultures from around the world.
Stopwatch 1 Students Book And Workbook - Richmond

5º Submarino

Stopwatch 1 Students Book And Workbook - Richmond

Preço: R$ 161,00

Stopwatch 1 Students Book And Workbook - Richmond


Ver na Loja

Isbn 6070612388
Código de Barras 6070612388
Código 25020650
Stopwatch 1 Students Book And Workbook - Richmond

6º Livrarias Curitiba

Stopwatch 3 Students Book And Workbook - Richmond

Preço: R$ 161,00

Stopwatch 3 Students Book And Workbook - Richmond


Ver na Loja

Stopwatch is a motivating, visually engaging six-level series for teenagers. It offers a choice of entry-point level (Starter, Beginner or Beginner Plus) and develops skills through B1 of the Common European Framework (CEFR). Each level of Stopwatch covers 90-120 hours of classroom instruction, plus an additional 20 hours of supplementary materials in the Teacher's Toolkit. With Stopwatch students will: ¿ reinforce visual literacy skills through icons and impacting photos; ¿ use critical thinking skills to answer relevant, thought-provoking questions; ¿ become aware of the wide range of cultural differences in our global community; ¿ learn vocabulary and grammar in realistic, meaningful contexts; ¿ engage with authentic, down-to-earth topics; ¿ access practice opportunities in a variety of formats; ¿ enjoy hands-on projects in printed and/or digital form. Key Features: ¿ Strong visual components to facilitate and deepen learning through authentic tasks, compelling images and the use of icons. ¿ The process of spiraled language development helps students internalize what they are learning. ¿ The wide range of topics incorporates cultures from around the world.
Stopwatch 3 Students Book And Workbook - Richmond

Aqui um comparativo com todos os preços, loja por loja 👇👇👇

Clique no preço desejado para visitar a loja:

Produto Americanas Shoptime Submarino Livrarias Curitiba
Livro - Stopwatch 3 Students Book Work Book R$ 151,34R$ 151,34
Stopwatch 1 - Student Book + Workbook R$ 152,95
Stopwatch 1 Students Book And Workbook - Richmond R$ 161,00R$ 161,00
Stopwatch 3 Students Book And Workbook - Richmond R$ 161,00

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... e aqui o histórico de preços por data, com base em nosso monitoramento diário 👇👇👇

Clique no preço desejado para visitar a loja:

Data Americanas Shoptime Submarino Livrarias Curitiba
Hoje R$ 151,34R$ 151,34R$ 152,95R$ 161,00
30/03/2020 R$ 151,34R$ 151,34R$ 152,95R$ 161,00
29/03/2020 R$ 151,34R$ 151,34R$ 152,95R$ 161,00

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Ainda não acabou...

Confira nossa análise detalhada! 👇👇👇

Qual o menor valor que o produto já alcançou?

Dos 393 dias em que o produto foi monitorado, apresentou o menor valor na loja Americanas

O valor foi de R$ 151,34 em 30/03/2020

E o maior valor?

Foi R$ 161,00, na loja Livrarias Curitiba, em 30/03/2020

É um bom momento para comprá-lo?

Sim, pois o estoque poderá se esgotar

Em qual loja costuma ficar mais barato?

Na loja Americanas


Compre na loja Americanas por R$ 151,34, pois atualmente é o menor preço!



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