Preço Livro - The a Study Of The Christian Dualist Heresy: Medieval Manichee

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O preço médio do(a) "Livro - The a Study Of The Christian Dualist Heresy: Medieval Manichee" é R$ 99,99

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Livro - The a Study Of The Christian Dualist Heresy: Medieval Manichee

Preço: R$ 99,99

Livro - The a Study Of The Christian Dualist Heresy: Medieval Manichee


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A Reissue Of Sir Steven Runciman?s Classic Account Of The Dualist Heretic Tradition In Christianity From Its Gnostic Origins, Through Armenia, Byzantium, And The Balkans To Its Final Flowering In Italy And Southern France. The Chief Danger That Early Christianity Had To Face Came From The HerÉtical Dualist Sect Founded In The Mid-third Century A.D. By The Prophet Mani. Within a Century Of His Death Manichaean Churches Were Established From Western Mediterrânea N Lands To Eastern Turkestan. Thoug
Idioma Inglês
Assunto História Geral
Ano 1982
Editora Cambridge - Print On
Tipo de Capa Brochura
Páginas 214
Isbn 9780521289269
Título The a Study Of The Christian Dualist Heresy: Medieval Manichee
Autor(a) Steven Runciman
Código de Barras 9780521289269
Código 5365074
Livro - The a Study Of The Christian Dualist Heresy: Medieval Manichee

2º Submarino

Livro - The a Study Of The Christian Dualist Heresy: Medieval Manichee

Preço: R$ 99,99

Livro - The a Study Of The Christian Dualist Heresy: Medieval Manichee


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A Reissue Of Sir Steven Runciman?s Classic Account Of The Dualist Heretic Tradition In Christianity From Its Gnostic Origins, Through Armenia, Byzantium, And The Balkans To Its Final Flowering In Italy And Southern France. The Chief Danger That Early Christianity Had To Face Came From The HerÉtical Dualist Sect Founded In The Mid-third Century A.D. By The Prophet Mani. Within a Century Of His Death Manichaean Churches Were Established From Western Mediterrânea N Lands To Eastern Turkestan. Thoug
Código 5365074
Código de Barras 9780521289269
Autor(a) Steven Runciman
Título The a Study Of The Christian Dualist Heresy: Medieval Manichee
Isbn 9780521289269
Páginas 214
Tipo de Capa Brochura
Editora Cambridge - Print On
Ano 1982
Assunto História Geral
Idioma Inglês
Livro - The a Study Of The Christian Dualist Heresy: Medieval Manichee

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