Preço Livro - Materials Selection In Mechanical Design

Qual o preço do(a) "Livro - Materials Selection In Mechanical Design"?

Qual o preço?

O preço médio do(a) "Livro - Materials Selection In Mechanical Design" é R$ 219,99

  • na loja Americanas você encontra por R$ 219,99
  • na loja Submarino também, você encontra por R$ 219,99

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1º Americanas

Livro - Materials Selection In Mechanical Design

Preço: R$ 219,99

Livro - Materials Selection In Mechanical Design


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Understanding The Properties And Behavior Of Materials Is Fundamental To Engineering Design And a Core Materials Science Subject. Written For All Students Of Engineering, Materials Science And Design, This Is One Of The Best Known, Best Selling Materials And Design Course Texts. It Describes The Procedures For Material Selection In Mechanical Design In Order To Ensure That The Most Suitable Materials For a Given Application Are Identified From The Full Range Of Materials Available. Revised And U
Código 117712052
Código de Barras 9781856176637
Autor(a) Michael F. Ashby
Título Materials Selection In Mechanical Design
Isbn 9781856176637
Páginas 664
Tipo de Capa Brochura
Formato Livro
Editora Butterworth-Heinemann
Ano 2010
Assunto Ciências Exatas
Idioma Inglês
Livro - Materials Selection In Mechanical Design

2º Submarino

Livro - Materials Selection In Mechanical Design

Preço: R$ 219,99

Livro - Materials Selection In Mechanical Design


Ver na Loja

Understanding The Properties And Behavior Of Materials Is Fundamental To Engineering Design And a Core Materials Science Subject. Written For All Students Of Engineering, Materials Science And Design, This Is One Of The Best Known, Best Selling Materials And Design Course Texts. It Describes The Procedures For Material Selection In Mechanical Design In Order To Ensure That The Most Suitable Materials For a Given Application Are Identified From The Full Range Of Materials Available. Revised And U
Código 117712052
Código de Barras 9781856176637
Autor(a) Michael F. Ashby
Título Materials Selection In Mechanical Design
Isbn 9781856176637
Páginas 664
Tipo de Capa Brochura
Formato Livro
Editora Butterworth-Heinemann
Ano 2010
Assunto Ciências Exatas
Idioma Inglês
Livro - Materials Selection In Mechanical Design

3º Shoptime

Livro - Materials Selection In Mechanical Design

Livro - Materials Selection In Mechanical Design


Ver na Loja

Understanding The Properties And Behavior Of Materials Is Fundamental To Engineering Design And a Core Materials Science Subject. Written For All Students Of Engineering, Materials Science And Design, This Is One Of The Best Known, Best Selling Materials And Design Course Texts. It Describes The Procedures For Material Selection In Mechanical Design In Order To Ensure That The Most Suitable Materials For a Given Application Are Identified From The Full Range Of Materials Available. Revised And U
Código 117712052
Código de Barras 9781856176637
Autor(a) Michael F. Ashby
Título Materials Selection In Mechanical Design
Isbn 9781856176637
Páginas 664
Tipo de Capa Brochura
Formato Livro
Editora Butterworth-Heinemann
Ano 2010
Assunto Ciências Exatas
Idioma Inglês
Livro - Materials Selection In Mechanical Design

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Produto Americanas Submarino Shoptime
Livro - Materials Selection In Mechanical Design R$ 219,99R$ 219,99

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Data Americanas Submarino Shoptime
Hoje R$ 219,99R$ 219,99
09/05/2020 R$ 219,99R$ 219,99
08/05/2020 R$ 219,99R$ 219,99

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Qual o menor valor que o produto já alcançou?

E o maior valor?

Foi R$ 219,99, na loja Americanas, em 09/05/2020

É um bom momento para comprá-lo?

Sim, pois o estoque poderá se esgotar

Em qual loja costuma ficar mais barato?

Na loja Submarino


Compre na loja Americanas por R$ 219,99, pois atualmente é o menor preço!



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