Preço Livro - Beowulf: a Translation And Commentary Together With Sellic Spell

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O preço médio do(a) "Livro - Beowulf: a Translation And Commentary Together With Sellic Spell" é R$ 236,68

Podendo variar de R$ 170,05 até R$ 303,30, a depender da loja:

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1º Submarino

Livro - Beowulf: a Translation And Commentary Together With Sellic Spell

Preço: R$ 170,05

Livro - Beowulf: a Translation And Commentary Together With Sellic Spell


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The Translation Of Beowulf By J.R.R. Tolkien Was An Early Work, Very Distinctive In Its Mode, Completed In 1926: He Returned To It Later To Make Hasty Corrections, But Seems Never To Have Considered Its Publication. This Edition Is Twofold, For There Exists An Illuminating Commentary On The Text Of The Poem By The Translator Himself, In The Written Form Of a Series Of Lectures Given At Oxford In The 1930s; And From These Lectures a Substantial Selection Has Been Made, To Form Also a Commentary O
Código 123220863
Código de Barras 9780007590070
Título Beowulf
Subtítulo A Translation And Commentary Together With Sellic Spell
Isbn 9780007590070
Páginas 448
Tipo de Capa Capa Dura
Formato Livro
Editora Harper Collins Us
Ano 2014
Assunto Literartura Estrangeira - Ficção
Idioma Inglês
Livro - Beowulf: a Translation And Commentary Together With Sellic Spell

2º Americanas

Livro - Beowulf: a Translation And Commentary Together With Sellic Spell

Preço: R$ 303,30

Livro - Beowulf: a Translation And Commentary Together With Sellic Spell


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The Translation Of Beowulf By J.R.R. Tolkien Was An Early Work, Very Distinctive In Its Mode, Completed In 1926: He Returned To It Later To Make Hasty Corrections, But Seems Never To Have Considered Its Publication. This Edition Is Twofold, For There Exists An Illuminating Commentary On The Text Of The Poem By The Translator Himself, In The Written Form Of a Series Of Lectures Given At Oxford In The 1930s; And From These Lectures a Substantial Selection Has Been Made, To Form Also a Commentary O
Código 123220863
Código de Barras 9780007590070
Título Beowulf
Subtítulo A Translation And Commentary Together With Sellic Spell
Isbn 9780007590070
Páginas 448
Tipo de Capa Capa Dura
Formato Livro
Editora Harper Collins Us
Ano 2014
Assunto Literartura Estrangeira - Ficção
Idioma Inglês
Livro - Beowulf: a Translation And Commentary Together With Sellic Spell

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Produto Submarino Americanas
Livro - Beowulf: a Translation And Commentary Together With Sellic Spell R$ 170,05R$ 303,30

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Data Submarino Americanas
Hoje R$ 170,05R$ 303,30
11/05/2020 R$ 170,05R$ 303,30
10/05/2020 R$ 170,05R$ 303,30
28/11/2019 R$ 170,05R$ 289,99
16/05/2019 R$ 170,05R$ 289,99

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Qual o menor valor que o produto já alcançou?

Dos 438 dias em que o produto foi monitorado, apresentou o menor valor na loja Submarino

O valor foi de R$ 170,05 em 11/05/2020

E o maior valor?

Foi R$ 303,30, na loja Americanas, em 11/05/2020

É um bom momento para comprá-lo?

Sim, pois o estoque poderá se esgotar

Em qual loja costuma ficar mais barato?

Na loja Submarino


Compre na loja Submarino por R$ 170,05, pois atualmente é o menor preço!



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